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Writer's pictureLaura Wright


Updated: Oct 21, 2019

Where has my recent research lead me? My thirst and hunger for higher knowledge?

This, in itself, is an interesting question. Gnosticism.

The thing is this, I have always had a bad taste about Christianity and Catholicism (I was brought up in both the Anglican and Catholic churches) and if you go through the backdoor and look through modern research, this does not make you a conspiracy theorist, it makes the pieces of a jigsaw add up.

Venus is currently residing in Scorpio. Hidden truths coming up in the area of love. Facades and what lies beneath the veil (is Scorpio energy, Hades, Pluto)

This Scorpio placement is very exposing in matters of the heart, matters of love (Venus = Love)

Gnosticism is an interesting area of study. Gnostic comes from the Latin root, meaning 'knowledge'.

It is, in brief, a prominent heretical movement of the 2nd-century Christian Church, partly of pre-Christian origin. Gnostic doctrine taught that the world was created and ruled by a lesser divinity, the demiurge, and that Christ was an emissary of the remote supreme divine being, esoteric knowledge (gnosis) of whom enabled the redemption of the human spirit. Soul ascension, effectively, and recognising the 3D (third dimension = earthly realms, which can be full of illusion).

Now, what is interesting is that it was the gnostic belief had a very strong view on the status of the Magdalene. She was misrepresented as a prostitute. She was, in fact, a woman of good breeding, good education, independent, a healer and a spiritualist. She was also a teacher and an educator. In actual fact we might describe her as 'feminist' of her time. Inspiring other women and using her gifts to heal other women.

Why is this interesting to me? I was brought up as an Anglican and Catholic. I was often disturbed by the patriarchal nature of the Christian Church. Why? Because it denies the feminine aspect of 'G-d'. It denies the yin-yang, the masculine/feminine, the dark/light, the man/woman, Adam/Eve. It is ridiculous to assume that divinity is a purely a male domain. To deny the feminine, in effect, means that we deny 50% of creation.Why? Patriarchy is a 'man's world', attitude. It is not a man's world. It is a woman's world as well. The sacred feminine and the sacred masculine.

This is pretty amazing. The gospels of Mary 'disappeared' for 1500 years, and it was only in the last 200 years that a gnostic discovered the papyrus (on which Mary's Gospel was written) in Cairo where only eight pages remained. The gospel of Mary is very incomplete and emits specific information about her life and her life in relation to Jesus and the disciples. What had been gleaned from the written gospels that remain is that many where jealous of her relationship - being the 'favoured' of all women and men. She also had more understanding of the notion of spiritual knowledge, and there was controversy on how a woman could have more knowledge than men. They missing pages of the book of Mary are believed to be lost forever.

There are believed to be 'caves' in the South of France, where Mary resided for the later years of her life.

The 'Song of Songs', attributed to Judiaism, has been discovered to have come from Ancient Egyptian god/goddess culture of Isis and Osiris. Isis reclaimed Osiris from the dead and brought life into him. It's a lovely story of redemption and love, which has been interpreted in many ways.

Margaret Starbird is an academic who investigates the sacred feminine and how she disappeared in history. Her subject on 'Mary Magdalene, Bride and Beloved', is fascinating. `her ewell known book, 'The Lady and the Alabaster Jar', uncovers the myths surrounding the disapearance of the sacred feminine and the Magdalene. She discusses 'anointing', and what it meant in Judaisim. It was to do with union of bride and bridegroom to consummate the marriage. Anointing was a part of the sexual act between bride and bridegroom, the wedding nuptials. It was customary in Judaism. Anointing also took place before a person was to die. As it was customary for no man to be unmarried after the age of twenty, it would be near impossible for any Jewish man to be unmarried. The Magdala (Magdalene) means 'tower' or 'watch tower'. It is not relating to a place of residence. It is a very clever lecture that relates Magdalene to the Goddess Isis. It discusses the tears cried by both women, after exile, grief, adversity.

The French legend, of 42AD, claims that Magdalene arrived in South of France, Provence (Aix) who became known as the Princess of the House of Orange - taking with her the Sang Real = blood royal - a child who carried the Sang Real (it was not something contained in a jar) The holy grail, if you have watched the Da Vinci Code, explains this very well. The Magdalene = Watch Tower = representing the land and the people. In ancient and modern texts Jesus=The Good Shepherd and Mary='The (watch) Tower of the Flock'. Mary was a popular Hebrew name that originates from the word 'ocean'. Hence, so many Mary's in the ancient texts. Men referred to their wives as 'my sister, my wife' and in Jesus 'sending out people two by two' to spread ministry it actually refers to couples 'male and female married couples'. This has been covered up to suggest men went out in pairs. Maybe, this idea is my own bias, that because women are usually more spiritually connected with G-d - they were actual vessels, through tapping into the unconscious to G-d and enlightenment. This makes perfect sense. Vessel=Uterus.

The heretics in France believed that the union of Jesus and Magdalene was a blasphemous belief. They burned churches on the feast day of Magdalene to prove a point that Magdalene was not the bride of Christ. This was the start of the disappearance of the sacred feminine. Then, to add insult to injury, the symbolism of Mary the bride of Christ was all heaped onto Mary the mother of Jesus resulting in a belief system a new paradigm of a mother and a celibate son, Mary the Magdalene was completely written out of history (firstly by claiming that she was a prostitute ie. defamation of character to create a hate campaign) She had left her father's home without protection, unmarried, and experienced many things - hence it would be easy to refer to her as an unmarried woman=prostitute.

It is more likely that both Mary mother of God and Mary Magdalene were vestal virgins of the temple before they were married. To be a vestal virgin meant that you were of higher breeding and intelligence and wealth and were bid for in marriage because of higher ranking and popularity. Recent research even suggests that Mary was wealthy in her own right and even more redefines the myth that she was a prostitute.

She had already been exiled to France for safety away from the Romans before she died. Other women, the wives of the disciples were also written out of history as well as Mary's daughter 'Sarah' = 'Princess' in Hebrew, who was denounced as a servant girl. Dark skinned. All of them written out of the scriptures.

Effectively this idea of the trinity of Virgin mother, celibate son, and the holy spirit, set up a new paradigm of the male and female (mother and son) and denouncing a partnership/union of man and woman as a couple. The Vatican has kept this very quiet and reinforced the denigration and disappearance of the Mary Magdalene. They 'murdered' (claiming that he had overdosed (?) without autopsy) a Pope - who was to reveal certain truths. Yes, they really did not want the truths out.

Now is it any wonder that there are so many false unions between men and women, single people and misogyny in our world today based on the notion that Mary was a virgin mother and Jesus was a celibate man. That became the trinity. How fucked up. It makes perfect sense that cultural values would change based on a false trinity. Of a mum who had not had intercourse and her immaculately conceived son who had never had sex and an old bearded man who is God. Lovely what a joke. I really enjoy research that involves decoding fucked up myths and legends. I enjoy research, naturally, because of my thirst for knowledge. I always want to understand things that make no sense to me, in order for them to make sense.

The idea of a sacred feminine has been scrubbed out by history.

The Italian Renaissance era of art also conspired to wipe out the sacred feminine. Guess who sponsored most of this art? The Vatican. Exactly, my point. Who has been extradited from performing in Rome by the Vatican on more than one occasion? The performance artist Madonna. A sacred feminine with a voice that cannot be suppressed.

The number 153 is associated with the sacred feminine. In a shape form (sacred geometry) is the shape of an almond = the yoni. 265 over 153 is the square root of three. The matrix of all geometric forms. Trinity. Father son, holy ghost or maiden, mother, crone. Mind, body, spirit. This can be found in the study of Sacred geometry/numerology/Kabbalah.

The Magdalene, in Greek, also adds up to 153. Vessel of the feminine. Vessel relating to uterus.

In the middle ages the Church of the Magdala was the fourth most visited holy place for pilgrimage, before the heretics burned it to the ground as well as all these places of sanctuary and prayer in connection with the Mary Magdalene.

Sunset from my kitchen window. Outstanding. Pink and orange. Blown away.

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