This is amazing. My kitty (as rescue cat from Crawley, Sussex) was always a bit nuts. She is also a Tortie (white and mixed) who are notoriously crackers. I believe she has the Burmese breed in her genetics, as well, because she has body shape and face and features and intelligence of Burmese. A friend of mine used to breed them. I know how Burmese cats are. They do not 'meow' very much and are quiet. They are agile cats, more than other cats tend to be. They often seek high places to observe (the top of kitchen units, fridges, shed roofs etc. My kitty always did this. She is too old to do this nowadays.
This morning my kitty made a 'mew' sound. she has not ever had the ability to meow. She usually opens her mouth and the 'mew' sound doesn't surface. She can 'cat call', the noise females make when the are seeking out their mislaid kittens.
From time to time she will wander the house 'cat calling'. It is a very different sound to a 'meow'.
My kitty has a kitten-like mew. Today was her 'first word'. It's unusual that during the fifteen years (and a half) that I have had her she has not ever been able to mew.
This is magic.