Yes. It was a good experience, yesterday, to make a victim statement in reference to the assault offence of 16/11
I was in the offices for about 40 mins making a statement with JB
He made notice of the things that have occurred, my general behaviour, coping/not coping and how I have been dealing with it, in the aftermath, myself.
It is a very personal statement, so I was pleased to be in a small office with just one officer. I was able to openly discuss how I feel and think about the situation, as a victim of assault and bullying.
It occurred to my this morning that I have this blog site, and I have been documenting things and how I feel, think.
I called the Victim Statement office, JB, to advise that my blog is a part of my defence case, should it be required when the case goes to Crown Court on 17/09
The Witness Care Team will be contacting me over the next week. They are women. Their role is to guide me through the set up, should I be required to attend Crown Court to represent myself as a victim of assault.
There are options on the day. When my daughter was called as witness to a rape case - when she was 14-15 years old - we met the Witness Care Team who took my daughter and me around both the Lewes and Hove Crown Courts and advised my daughter of her options as a witness in court for her comfort and protection as a vulnerable young teen witness.
I have been offered three options while reading my statements:
To stand in the courtroom in person
To stand in the courtroom in person but screened off
To not stand in the courtroom and attend from a live link
I have already chosen the option that is better suited to me, as an individual.
There are options, as well, about using certain accesses to the building. This is necessary.
I may update my statement in the coming weeks by considering pieces of my journal for addition to my victim statement. This depends on the advisory of the Witness Care Team.
Meantime and in between times I am looking after myself and not allowing anyone to get me down. Good vibes only.
I have been to the beach again, I went with my friend - who is helping to support me in this court case and will also make a statement. Its always a great thing to have someone to lean on, AKA my 'twin' (we are brother from another mother, sista from another mister) That's what we think. I have mentioned him before now. The older bro, that I never had. I'm his lil sis, that he never had. Simples : )
Swimming always helps to relieve stress. I swam. I lay in the sun. We had a Mojito at the bar and a chocolate brownie. I started to care less. The art of not giving a ****
It's a great art to practice. Be yourself. You will ruffle some people's feathers. You will make friends and enemies and even frenemies. Not everyone likes Marmite.
Health tip:
Plant based diets. The best. Clean eating, the difference. I know. If we could wake up to the idea of loving your body. Respect plants, respect your body then the mind and spirit will follow in place. Give it clean fuel. It will perform better. Not rocket science. It's very obvious. Common sense. Would you put dirty fuel in your car/vehicle? No. Why put it in your body?
Good tip from 'Saint Laura' (holier than thou' - just kidding)
Since I have been eating a plant-based diet, including raw vegetables/fruit, I have noticed the change in me. I have experimented with food and nutrition, over years, since the onset of my eating disorder (aged 14-15) I have also worked as a chef. My food and nutrition research and experimentation has lead me to this knowledge.
Apparently, for carnivorous blood group (O). The original Homo Sapiens blood. Palaeolithic. The original stone age. The best meat is farm/organic sourced beef. Environmentally better and a better fuel. The cattle are farm reared and not 'fear' slaughtered' (so that you will not be eating 'fear hormones')
Being (A+) the second blood group that came out of Agricultural/Settlement evolution, Neolithic. I am better suited to plant-based and grain and eggs/fish/poultry.
Because of the way we abuse factory farming of poultry and the way we rape the sea of fish - I prefer to avoid these sources, unless they are line caught or organic/bio-dynamic. Unhappy hens=unhappy eggs etc. You get my drift. Everything is energy.
I do not eat diary products. The way in which we produce milk and milk products is also cruel. Within regularly/mass produced milk and products there is blood and pus from the mammaries of cows who are kept like over producing slaves and treated poorly in a mass productive prison. Organically produced milk is different. My body is intolerant of dairy products. I can stomach goat's cheese, without adverse reaction.
I have not ever liked milk, since childhood. It used to repulse me, even then. I was forced to consume it, at home, at school. As I was forced to consume meat. I went to great lengths to avoid the school break-time milk - by giving it to my classroom 'saviour', a lad called John Trump. If he was not at school I would simply hide my milk bottle somewhere - and feel terribly bad for the cleaning lady who might find it, later, sour and stenching.
I learned to cook, early on. At fourteen years old I became vegetarian and learned to cook with vegetables, pulses, nuts, seeds and grains.
For me the safest and best food to consume is organic plant-based. Including very dark chocolate : )